Your bs-free, paradigm-shifting, shadow-busting mindset coach

Do you daydream about a life where…

…you walk into a room full of people with absolutely no social anxiety?

…you aren’t constantly comparing yourself to celebrities, influencers, friends, or that stranger on the street?

…you no longer entertain thoughts of what other people may think about you?

…you feel confident and beautiful in your body, no matter what size, shape or weight?

…you don’t rehash and replay the same scenarios and conversations over and over in your head?

My name is Melody Chuang, and I help women rewire their brains and nervous systems to free themselves from the shackles of social conditioning and get the results they want in life.

In a nutshell, I turn helpless princesses into sovereign queens. My approach is through cognitive reprogramming and energy work, finding "breaks" in your thought patterns to ultimately transform the way you see yourself and experience the world.

I am a Certified Life Coach and Breathwork Facilitator. But let’s be real, my credentials are not what is important here.

My mission is to help women who identify as anxious overthinkers deprogram conditioned beliefs + reprogram their psyches to get the results they want in life.

All you need to know is that if I am your coach, you are guaranteed* to come out with a radically different relationship with yourself — one where your inner critic is no longer running the show, where you have your own back, and where you can truly call yourself your best friend.

When you work with me, you become the master of your life, and not the other way around.

*Caveat? You must hold up your end of the coaching bargain and do the work. As with all relationships, this is a two-way street. I will do everything in my power to push you (with love!) to your greatest transformation, but ultimately, it is you who holds the power to your own growth.

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The Life Coach School